Daily Poker Promotions
Hold’em Bad Beat Jackpot
Around the clock win your share of the Bad Beat Jackpot
Omaha Bad Beat Jackpot
Lose with Four fives or better and win your share around the clock.
GEAR-000401, GEAR-000399
Players obtaining a Royal Flush will be awarded the Progressive Payout.
Lucky Wheel Spin
Midnight – 8am
Make a Straight Flush and Spin the Wheel
Hold’em High Hands
$100 high hand winner every hour
Wednesday, 11am - 10pm
Saturday, 6pm-4am
Hot Seat Drawings
Every hour one winner will be selected to Spin the Wheel for cash prizes
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
Quad Quest Bonus
Players who flop quads with pocket 6’s will be awarded the determined prize bonus.
Full House Wheel Bonus
Players obtaining a Full House and a Wheel in BIG O Hi/Lo or Omaha Hi/Lo will be awarded the displayed Prize Payout.
Free Breakfast
Daily: 6am-9am
Double Points Nightly
Midnight – 8am
Food & Beverage Promotion
Seated Poker Players (players must be seated and playing in the Saloon Poker room) receive:
Happy Hour Prices all day on Draft Beer, Bottled Beer and House Wines – Player’s Menu
Hold’em Bad Beat Jackpot
- The Bad Beat Jackpot shall only apply to the game of Texas Hold’em.
- The Bad Beat Jackpot amount will seed at $20,000 and will increase $200/day at midnight. The amount displayed will be the amount available to win for that day until a new amount is posted at midnight. Jackpot amount will be displayed on a “Jackpot Display” board in the Poker Room.
- Players must take a hand during the Jackpot hand to be eligible for the Jackpot.
- The minimum qualifying hand for the Bad Beat Jackpot is four 2’s (2222-3) or better.
- Both hole cards must play for the second qualifying hand and the qualifying winning hand; if one of the hole cards in either player’s hand ties the board, the Jackpot is eligible.
- The player with second highest qualifying hand will receive the losing hand portion of the posted prize amount for that specific Jackpot. The player with the best qualifying hand will receive the winning hand portion of the posted prize amount for that specific Jackpot.
- Payout distributions are as follows:
- 40% of prize pool - Second Qualifying
- 20% of prize pool - Best Qualifying Hand/Winning Hand.
- 40% of prize pool - Eligible players on the winning table will receive equal shares.
- If only two active players are dealt into a hand and the Jackpot is hit, 40% of the prize pool will be paid to the player with the second-best qualifying hand, 20% of the prize pool will be paid to the player with the best qualifying hand, and the remaining 40% will be put back into the next “jackpot” prize pool.
- Collusion- If players are talking about the hand, while the hand is in play. SGH management has the right to disqualify the hand due to Collusion.
- Payoffs- Jackpots will be paid within 72 hours. SGH management will do their best to pay off the Jackpot on the day it is hit. All hands involved in payouts are subject to review and authentication by management. For any prize of $600 or more, all necessary federal and state forms will be completed before the prize is awarded. Valid ID’s will be required.
- On-duty employees and off-duty employees are eligible to win.
- Jackpots are not included in tournament play.
Hot Seat Drawings
- Players must be signed up for the Stones Players Card and be dealt into live poker game to qualify.
- Players must be seated and playing at a designated table in order to qualify for the promotion.
- At least two players must be dealt in for the table to qualify for the promotion.
- Winning player will be awarded a wheel spin to determine their prize.
- The Hot Seat Number will be chosen first then the Table will be chosen next. If the Hot Seat Number is not eligible then a new Table will be drawn.
- All players must have taken a hand prior to the announcement of the draw to be eligible.
- Casino employees and A Third-Party Provider of Proposition Player Services (TPPPS) are not eligible to participate in this promotion on or off duty.
- Tournament tables do not qualify for Lucky Seat promotion.
Hold’em High Hands
- A Full-House is the minimum qualifying hand.
- The prize amount will be awarded to any player that makes the highest hand during the designated time frame while participating in a live Texas Hold’em game each hour.
- High hands will take place from 11am-10pm Wednesdays.
- High hands will take place from 4pm-9pm Sundays.
- The promotional period will start at 11am and conclude at 10pm for the last High Hand on Wednesdays.
- The promotional period will start at 4pm and conclude at 9pm for the last High Hand on Sundays.
- In the case of a tie, the prize will be evenly divided amongst the players who tied.
- If the player who made the highest hand during a designated time period is not present to claim their prize, the prize will be awarded to the player present with the next highest qualified hand during that hour.
- A player may qualify for this promotion between 1 - 100 times during each gaming day.
- Casino employees are eligible to participate in the promotion when either on or off duty.
- Tournament games do not qualify for the promotion.
Lucky Wheel Spin
- Players who make a straight flush, between the hours of midnight – 8 am, with one- or two-hole cards are eligible to spin the wheel.
- Players must be present to win a prize.
- Players must be playing in a live game; Texas Hold’em, Omaha, or Omaha Hi/Lo Split to qualify.
- A minimum of two players must be dealt into the game in order for the player to qualify.
- Employees are eligible to participate in this promotion at all times.
- The wheel must make two complete rotations for the spin to be valid.
- Once the wheel is spun and is in motion, no one may interfere with the rotation of the wheel. Any interference with the rotation of the wheel shall invalidate the spin and the wheel shall be re-spun.
- The wheel must come to a complete stop to determine the prize.
- All spins that are declared invalid by the supervising floor-person shall be re-spun as per these rules.
- Third-Party Providers of Proposition Player Services are not eligible to participate in this promotion.
Omaha Jackpot Rules
- The amount displayed will be the amounts available to win for that day until a new amount is posted.
- The Bad Beat Jackpot amount will seed at $2500 and will increase $100/day at midnight. The amount displayed will be the amount available to win for that day until a new amount is posted at midnight. Jackpot amount will be displayed on a “Jackpot Display” board in the Poker Room.
- Players must take a hand during the jackpot hand to be eligible for the jackpot.
- Both hole cards must play for the second highest qualifying hand and the qualifying winning hand, if one of the hole cards in either player’s hand ties the board, the jackpot is eligible.
- The player with the second highest qualifying hand will receive losing portion of the posted prize amount for that specific jackpot. The player with the best qualifying hand will receive winning portion of the posted prize amount for that specific jackpot.
- Jackpot only applies to High in Omaha Hi-Lo split.
- Double Board PLO is not eligible for Omaha Jackpot.
- If only 2 active players are dealt into a hand and the jackpot is hit, 40% of the prize pool will be paid to the player with the second-best qualifying hand, 20% of the prize pool will be paid to the player with the best qualifying hand, and the remaining 40% will be put back into the next “jackpot” prize pool.
- Collusion – If players are talking about the hand, while the hand is in play, SGH management has the right to disqualify the hand due to collusion. If any player at the table is using another language other than English, while the hand is in play, management has the right to disqualify the hand due to collusion.
- Payoffs – Jackpots will be paid within 72 hours. SGH management will do their best to pay off the jackpot on the day it is hit. All hands involved in payouts are subject to review and authentication by management. For any prize of $600 or more, all necessary federal and state forms will be completed before prize is awarded. Valid ID’s will be required.
- On-Duty employees and off-duty employees are eligible to win.
- Jackpots not included in tournament play.
- Must be a Stones Card Member and must be in a live poker game using your Stones Card to be eligible.
Royal Flush Bonus
- Players will be awarded the progressive amount displayed when qualifying hand is hit.
- Players MUST use at least (1) whole card to win the progressive amount.
- Players must be seated and playing at a designated table in order to qualify for the promotion.
- Players must be present to win a prize.
- On and off-duty employees are eligible to participate in this promotion.
- When a qualifying hand is announced, a floor person will verify that the hand qualifies.
- Once the prize is awarded, the next prize amount will seed at $100.
- Prizes, per suite, will increase by $25 per day for Texas Hold’em and $10 per day for Omaha.
- Must have a Stones player card to qualify.
Quad Quest Bonus
- Players must use a pocket pair, meaning their hole cards must be of the same value.
- Players MUST make a four of kind on the first 3 community cards, the flop, to receive 100% of the posted prize amount.
- Players will be awarded the bonus by making a 4 of kind, ranked from 6 6 6 6 2 up to 6 6 6 6 A.
- There is no minimum amount of time played required for a player to be eligible for this gaming activity.
- Once the prize is awarded, the next prize amount will seed at $100.
- Prizes will be posted for a 24-hour period and will change by $25 per day for Texas Hold’em and $15 per day for Omaha/Big O.
- There is a minimum of two active players dealt into the base game for the table to qualify for this gaming activity.
- In order to qualify for this gaming activity a player must win the base game hand.
- Any deviation from a standard deck will nullify the Quad Quest Bonus.
- Casino employes are eligible to participate in this gaming activity when on or off duty.
- Tournament games are not eligible for this gaming activity.
Full House Wheel Bonus
- Players who win the high portion of the hand with a qualifying full house, A A A 2 2 through A A A K K, and the low portion of the hand with a wheel (A 2 3 4 5) will win 100% of the posted prize.
- In the event of a tie, players who tie the hand will split the prize amount evenly.
- There is a minimum of two active players dealt into the base game for the table to qualify for this gaming activity.
- In order to qualify for this gaming activity a player must win or tie the base game hand.
- Once the prize is awarded, the next prize amount will seed at $100.
- Prizes will be posted for a 24-hour period and will change by $15 per day.
- Any deviation from a standard deck will nullify the Full House Wheel Jackpot.
- Casino employes are eligible to participate in this gaming activity when on or off duty.
- Tournament games are not eligible for this gaming activity.
Double Points Nightly
- Points are earned while playing in all live Poker Games at the rate of 100 points per hour.
- Redemption: 100 points = $1 value in Food & Beverage, Sammy’s Gift Card, and Merchandise.
- During the promotional time period between midnight and 8am, players will earn 200 points per hour.
Free Breakfast
- Players in any Bureau approved games qualify for the free breakfast promotion.
- Free breakfast will be open to all players who participate in an eligible pre-determined game during the pre-determined and specified hours designed for the promotion. Players will receive a full comp on their breakfast.
- Players can redeem the free breakfast one time per promotional period, per day.
- Casino employees are eligible to participate in the promotion when either on or off duty.
- The free breakfast promotion will be house funded.
- Free breakfast will be offered for free, with no purchase necessary.
Revised 07/01/24 – The Saloon at Stones Gambling Hall – Daily Poker Promotions
The Saloon at SGH reserves the right to modify, alter or cancel any event at its sole discretion with proper notice
No Purchase Necessary Please Gamble Responsibly. If you have a Gambling Problem, Call 1-800-Gambler